Hello there!
I guess you came to this page to know who runs this blog, so first of all, my name is
Eitan Caspi (Eitan is my private name and it means “Strong/Solid” in Hebrew, Vigorous).
I’m a man at the fourth decade of my life, married with three (kids! not wives!…) and I live in Israel.
I hold a B.A. degree in media studies and business administration.
I work in the IT industry for more than 20 years, focusing on information security.
I am the founder and owner of “Vigorous Security“, my Information Security consulting firm. You are invited to visit its site and I will be glad to help you with my services.
You are invited to my LinkedIn profile (login is needed for more details) to review my resume, recommendations I received, publications I have made and much more.
This blog, which I started on April 2013, will focus mostly on information security (A.K.A recently as “Cyber”…), but may slide to some bizarre directions from time to time… I guess this blog will mostly be the English mirror of my Hebrew information security blog, which is operating since April 2008. I hope to deal with a wide range of topics – from minor to major.
I do apologies in advance, English is not my native language, so I guess I will not use the best vocabulary and grammar, plus some typos here and there – but I will do my best to overcome this limitation of mine.
I decided to open this blog after working for two years for “F5 Networks”, where I really
broadened my view of the world, and I realized that I am missing a very large audience, the English reading IS professionals – so with this blog I try to expand my audience.
The name of this blog, “FUD for thought” is kind of a pun, as FUD is an acronym for “Fear,
Uncertainty and Doubt”, which is used quite often to sell security products and services; plus, I am, personally, a Foodie, so the overall idea is to make this blog a place that we will think and discuss a wide range of information security topics, with love and passion for this very exciting realm.
You can keep yourselves informed of new posts via notification email or RSS feed and even about new comments via the comments RSS feed.
This blog is funded by me and by readers clicking on the advertisements presented on it – so if you find an advertisement that interests you – clicking on it and reviewing the advertiser’s content will certainly be a form of gratitude and support in this blog and me.
This blog is my home and I want to feel comfortable in it, so I hope you, my guests, permanent and occasional, will respect this, and therefore you will honor me, the rest of the blog’s visitors and yourselves. I’m OK with discussions and debates – but I want them to be held in good spirit and mutual respect. Trolls will get zero tolerance.
I hope that you and I will enjoy this blog.