I have added a new page to the site, called “Findings and honors“.
This page list all the Information Security vulnerabilities and other issues that I have discovered in my long career, including the last occasion – being added to the Israeli government “Hall of fame” for security researches who reported exposures in the Israel digital infrastructure.
I hope to extend this list in years to come… 😉
Category Archives: Management Announcements
Me at Twitter
Now you can also follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/eitanc_security.
Come and join the chat!
Opening post
Well, we have to start somewhere. So let’s start here.
My name is Eitan Caspi, from Israel. You will find more information about me and this blog at the “About” page.
Information Security is my main thing, both at work and as a hobby, for the last, say, 14 years.
Like many things in my life, I found myself in this occupation unintentionally, as I came to know it as part of my work, not as something that I planned for from my early years.
I learned to love it, and (I hope) I became to be good at it – so I kind of grown into it.
You know, I didn’t even touched a computer until I turned 22, so I’m not a born geek (but I am now…).
I guess the initial posts in this blog will be posts translated from my Hebrew IS blog, which I run since 2008, and later on both blogs will run less-or-more synchronized content.
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I hope we will all have fun in this blog!